The VA home loan program is an excellent program for California Veterans. California, which has one of the highest populations of Veterans in the country, also has some of the highest property values in the country. And this is one of the reasons why the VA program has been such a great benefit. ***This article […]
What is a Jumbo VA Loan?
Jumbo VA loans have become a commonly used mortgage product in Orange County, CA in 2018. But what exactly is a “Jumbo VA loan”? Well, the actual loan amount for what is considered Jumbo varies from county to county. First we need to discuss what a standard VA loan is. *Updated to reflect 2018 VA […]
VA Loan Limits Increase in California through end 2012
Finally, some good news was recently announced as the Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 was been signed into law. This ACT has led to an increase in the VA Zero Down limits in the higher priced counties of California. Effective for any VA loan closing on August 6, 2012 […]
Find California Homes Eligible for VA Financing
Finding homes eligible for VA financing in California is easy. Singles family detached homes are easily financed with a VA loan. VA financing even works for 2, 3, and 4 units properties, and of course VA allows for 100% financing. Where it can get tricky is when a VA borrower is interested in finding a […]
Can I get a VA Loan After a Bankruptcy in California?
If you’re wondering whether or not you can get a VA loan in California after a recent bankruptcy, you’re not alone. With the recent economic recession just barely behind us, many veterans and military personnel are now in the position of looking for a new mortgage after having gone through a bankruptcy. Some of the […]
Getting a VA Loan after a Foreclosure in California
Many California veterans today wonder whether or not they can get a VA loan if they have recently been through a foreclosure. Fortunately, the VA qualifying guidelines do allow for veterans and military personnel to qualify for a VA loan after a foreclosure, but with some restrictions. VA guidelines after a foreclosure are actually more […]
Divorce and VA Loan Eligibility, Will I Qualify?
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How Do I Get a New DD214 Before Applying for a California VA Loan?
DD 214 forms are required of California veterans when applying for a VA mortgage loan, and, unfortunately, are commonly misplaced over time. The good news is that losing or misplacing your DD 214 is an easily solved problem! For starters, let’s go ahead and define what a DD 214 is and what it is used […]
How Do I Get PreApproved for a VA Loan in California?
A VA loan pre-approval letter is a document granted by a California VA mortgage lender that states that based on preliminary information such as the potential borrower’s credit, assets, and income, that they qualify for a VA loan of a specified amount. It is different from a pre-qualification in that some or all of the […]
The California VA Loan Appraisal Process
Before your California home can be approved for VA loan financing, a VA appraisal must be completed on the property. A VA appraisal involves a thorough inspection of the home and property to determine the current market value of the home. This appraisal is especially geared towards reporting any defects involving safety or security of […]